Friday, July 09, 2010

Review: Babies (the documentary)

I went and saw Babies last night.  It was amazing.  I laughed and smiled and enjoyed every moment.  More striking to me than the differences between the babies, were the similarities.  Although the cultures each baby is immersed in is very different, I could see pieces of my little S in each of the babies.  The giggles, the yawns, the cries, the gaining control of their bodies part by part.

I laughed when one of the babies came over and grabbed a hold of his mom's breast and began to eat.  It reminded me of the time my sweet was sitting on my lap and scooted her body down and grabbed a hold and started eating.

When another was frustrated because she couldn't figure out her toy and she threw herself back and yelled and banged her arms around, it reminded me of watching S trying to learn to scoot and throwing her face into the ground and screaming in frustration.

I especially loved watching the interactions between the babies and the animals around them.  And of course I thought of my bug and her puppy Bella and how she giggles when she sees her and tries to pull her ears and yank her skin.

It was a beautiful picture of what I already believe to be true:  Every family finds its own rhythm and babies adapt to the lifestyles of their families.  As long as babies are loved and that love is shown through the meeting of their needs, babies grow and learn to adjust to the rhythm of their unique family.  What a wonderful reminder to trust our instincts as mothers and fathers.

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