Wednesday, December 13, 2006

"Thank you Lord for our testosterone!"

"Forget the yin and the yangI'll take the boom and the bang…. Don't need in touch with my feminine side! All I want is my testosterone high."

Any idea where these strange lyrics come from? It's a "worship song" from a new movement called "God Men." (

Apparently Jesus was a jerk and the only way to be a real Christian man is to be one too. Ok, I have to admit they don't come right out and say that, but they might as well. Interested in rule #1 for a real man's woman? "Learn to work the toliet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down."

The LA times quotes a man who had a little trouble when going home from the conference and trying to use his new found ideas about manly godliness.

"But some men at the conference run into trouble when they debut their new attitudes at home. Eric Miller, a construction worker, admits his wife is none too pleased when he takes off, alone, on a weekend camping trip a few weeks after the GodMen conference this fall.'She was a little bit leery of it, as we have an infant,' he reports. 'She said, 'I need your help around here.' 'He's pretty sure his wife will come around once she recognizes he's modeling his life after Jesus', like a good Christian should."


Yeah, good luck with that buddy.

Men hate going to church so let's not try and change men to be godly, let's change what it means to be a godly man. It's crap and it's distrubing to think that these are the kind of men that could be leading our churches. And they are. I've met them. And they shouldn't be.

The article goes on to describe an incident that took place at Wal-Mart.

"A few weeks later, Stephenson, 43, is still not sold on profanity. But he has ditched the nice-guy reflex of always turning the other cheek. When he spots a Wal-Mart clerk writing "Happy Holidays" on a window, he boldly complains: It should say 'Merry Christmas.' The clerk erases the offending greeting. Chalk one up for Christian testosterone. 'I wouldn't have done that before,' Stephenson says proudly. 'I am no longer a doormat.'"

Is this how we're going to demonstrate the love of Christ to the world? Is this how they will know that we are Christians? Not by our love, but by our strength and power? We've missed the boat. We've missed the ocean. I'm not even sure we're on the right planet.