Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Following is an excerpt from one of my classmates assignments that I thought was blog worthy. Check it out....

"Thinking back...I remember as a child being invited to go to church with a neighbor. I was allowed to go. On the way to church we passed an elderly lady standing on the side of the road. What appeared to be her car was parked with the emergency flashers on and the car hood up. The woman appeared to be upset as she was looking right and left and back again – she was crying. My friend and I asked if we should stop and see if the elderly woman needed help. My friend's dad was driving and he said "No, we don't want to be late to church." I never went to church with that family again."

Ouch, that stings a little bit. I wonder how many times we let our religious "duties" get in the way of living like Jesus. Being a Christian means to be a follower of Christ. In the way we are living, are we following Christ's example? I hate to think how many times my own hypocrisy has turned someone away from the church. I thought her comments were eye opening and a very important reminder for us in the church. We need to be careful not to get caught up in doing church and instead to be fully aware of how God is presenting us with opportunities to be Christ's body to the world.