Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Life is Always Changing

When you live with a baby life as you know it is always ending and something new and fresh is beginning.  You think you've got sleep figured out (well, better anyway) and then a cold strikes and it's all over.  Today they roll over once a day and tomorrow you can't keep them on their tummies.

Today I realized life is changing again.  S notices when I leave the room and unless she's good and distracted, she doesn't love it.  This new experience comes with a variety of emotions.  There's something wonderful about the thought that she recognizes me and wants me around.  On the other hand...well you can imagine what might be challenging about a baby wanting you in sight at all times.  We haven't quite reached that point but I can tell it is coming.

On another note, S and Bella Mia were fighting over Bella's toy today.  S must have had a mighty good grip or Bella was being gentle with her because they had a brief moment of tug-of-war.  It was pretty stinkin' cute and got me excited for when they really start playing together.  Bella still tries to get S to throw her toy for her, which obviously is not going to happen anytime soon.  But it has led to attempts at eating Bella's toys.  Ewww....  Don't worry, I'm working hard to keep them out of her mouth!

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