Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Could it Be Teething?

I have to wonder what's going on in little S's mind these days.  She had finally started sleeping pretty well at night, just waking up once or twice.  We seemed to be past the nighttime screaming and putting her back down after nighttime feedings was pretty much breezy.

But since she had a little fever two Fridays ago, the sleep has gone down and the crankiness has gone up.  She's waking up at least 3 times a night to feed, fussing a lot during the day and screaming for a good hour or so at night before bedtime.  Plus she's waking up and fussing in the night and when I lay her down after nursing she fusses for a while.

So, what's up.  Wondering if she could be teething.  Maybe the runny nose, constant drooling, fussiness, constant chomping on her hands and mine, and poor sleep means little chompers are coming in?  Or maybe she can sense the fact that I am stressed to the max.  I know I've mentioned my job situation (or lack there of) and the last couple of weeks I have been thinking of little else and the fussier she gets and the less she sleeps the more exhausted I get.  So combined with my own exhaustion and the job stress, I imagine she senses the tension.  Perhaps that's it.  Or maybe she's just back to her old ways and the good stuff was a tiny reprieve.

Anyway, she's fussy and sleeping poorly.  I'm fussy and sleeping poorly.  And my husband is stuck in the middle of us both.


Jennifer said...

It always seems when things are finally getting on a good schedule they change again. "This too shall pass" always remember that. Usually its right when you think you cannot handle another second of it. The drooling, chewing, runny nose, waking at night all sound like teething to me. At some point early on all my babies had that witching hour at night before bed where they were really fussy. That's when I spent many nights bouncing on the exercise ball with a swaddled baby or pacing the hallway. I hope you get some rest soon and good luck with the job search!

April said...

Thanks Jen! I wish I had an exercise ball, I bet that works really well! Yeah, I do think it's the combination of the job hunt and her issues that makes it all seem worse. I think I'd be tolerating that better if it weren't for the job hunt. Actually, I totally got messed up on my birth control and so I think my hormones are all out of whack too. Today a kid who usually gives me lots of trouble actually did his work and I almost started crying when I told him I was proud of him for doing his work! I knew then that my hormones are a mess! Lol...