Sunday, August 29, 2010

In the right place

Driving to work the other day it hit me: I am exactly where I am supposed to be.  I looked back for a moment at the time I decided to leave church work to pursue a career as a public school teacher.  I remembered the person who told me I'd be letting God down by leaving the ministry.  I remembered feeling conflicted about that statement.  Could he be right?

Friday as I pulled into my school parking lot I knew.  He wasn't right.  I was exactly where God wanted me to be.  Every moment up until this point has been orchestrated by His hand.  He has brought me here to this specific place, this specific class, these specific students and families.

I feel honored to be called to such a position in the lives of children.  I pray that I make the most of it and God guides me to be exactly the teacher I need to be for the kids in my classroom and their families who love them.

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