Friday, April 16, 2010

Lessons Learned While Traveling to Grandmas

First of all let me say, it has been 4 days since we got home and the horror of it has not faded from my memory.  Okay, maybe horror is a strong word.  And since most jet-setting parents have experienced something similar or worse I probably shouldn't act like I'm the most unlucky parent in the world.  But I just LOVE how everyone was like, "Oh, I'm sure it'll be fine, she'll sleep the whole time" before I left and now that I'm back they are like, "Oh yeah, traveling with babies sucks."  So here's my lessons learned....

1.  A fussy baby who doesn't like to nap and has to be rocked to sleep will not suddenly become the picture of perfection on an airplane and "sleep like a baby" (stupid saying btw).  So you might as well get it in your head ahead of time: this will not be a walk in the park.

2.  ALWAYS check your layover times when choosing flights and NEVER pick a flight schedule with and hour or less between flights.  An hour or less is simply not enough time to get all the way across an airport where you have to walk a long way and then take a tram plus clean up your baby's blow out.  And don't get me started about the Phoenix airport.  Leave the terminal, walk outside to another terminal and go through security again...are you kidding me???

3. Don't tell the security guy you are running late and to please hurry up as he is emptying your bag.  Okay, it ended up not causing a problem but probably just because my husband quickly told me to shut up.

4. Stain stick.  When poopy clothes have to sit in a plastic bag for many hours before they can be washed, that stain just ain't gonna come out baby.  Pack some stain stick and save an outfit.

5. My outlets are crappy.  This is a weird one and nothing to do with S but I was BLOWN AWAY when I turned on my blow dryer at Grandma's house.  Oh the power.  It was awesome.

6. A cute baby keeps people from completely hating you as they get off the plane and pass you in the terminal.  "Oh, is this the sweet baby that was making all that noise?  She's so adorable."  I'm guessing this was only because they were drunk from all the hard liquor they drank to survive the three hour flight that was at least half filled with the sounds of the most unhappy baby on the planet.  Seriously, they were drinking.

I could probably go on, but that should be enough to chew on for now.

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