Friday, April 02, 2010

I'm Glad I Waited

It hit me yesterday how much freedom I lost when I had a baby.  For some reason I hadn't really noticed yet.  I was perfectly happy sitting at home, taking care of her, not being able to go out whenever we/I wanted.  Actually I still am perfectly happy, but I'm suddenly aware of the change.

I got home from Target when I realized I hadn't picked up a pizza for dinner like I had planned.  I had already taken S out of her car seat.  I decided to go ahead and put her back in and head back out again.  By the time we got there she was asleep.  All I needed to do was run in and pay and grab my pizza.  I could see the car from the window.  OOOH, this is why people leave their children in cars!  I'd really never understood it before.  How crazy do you have to be to leave your child in the car while you go into a store?  You don't have to be crazy.  You have to realize that you won't be even five minutes, she's sleeping and she NEVER sleeps during the day and it'll take just as long to get her out of her car seat and back in again that it would to just run in and out without her.

Don't worry, I took her in.  It was fine.  She stayed asleep.  I won't leave my child in a car.  I rarely even leave my dog in the car.

I'm glad I waited until I was 30 to get pregnant.  I think if I were younger I might feel some resentment about this loss of freedom.  Matt and I were married 8 years when we started trying to have a baby.  Just long enough to get bored and be ready for a change.  She's definitely brought change.  It just didn't really notice it until yesterday.

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