Monday, April 19, 2010

Nightmare Napper

I've probably mentioned it a time or two before, but my daughter is just a terrible napper.  She was actually quite good at it when she wasn't sleeping at night, but now that the nighttime sleeping is getting better and better, the napping just gets worse and worse.

Today I cuddled up on the recliner with her after nursing her like I used to when she was smaller.  I realized that I have been so busy trying to get her to lay down for naps that I have been missing out on precious cuddle time!  So I enjoyed her sprawled out on my chest, cuddled under a blanket while I caught up on some Tivo.

After about an hour and a half I decided to try and lay her down on her own.  She quietly fussed for a couple minutes but has now been sleeping for another hour or so!  I got a little time to myself along with some treasured mommy/daughter time and hopefully she'll be waking up rested and happy.

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