Thursday, January 12, 2006

Expanding our World View

I'm still wading my way through "God's Politics" by Jim Wallis, which I continue to say is an incredible book, easy to read and easy to understand. Currently I'm on a chapter about the struggle between Israelis and Palestinians and the need for peace. I hope to provide an abridged version of the struggle later for those of you who, like me, didn't know much existed outside of the United States for twenty some odd years.

I'm not really big on being taught but I love to learn. I tend to be more self-taught. Unfortunately, in order to teach yourself, you first have to be aware that you need to learn. Until the last few years I was never very curious about the things happening in the world around me.

COLLEGE STUDENTS....Don't miss out on the opportunity you have to educate yourself. Don't think that just because you are in college you are learning. You have highly intelligent people at your disposal. Soak up all you can from them and don't live your life unaware.

I think Christians can be especially guilty of this because often times if something doesn't have to do with a person's salvation, we don't catch the importance of it. The fact is, we can't imagine the life that people in places like Israel and Palestine have to live. We are very sheltered and very privileged. They live in constant fear of terrorism. Parents fear for the life of their children as they send them off to school or out to play.

We could all afford to expand our world view and open our eyes to the struggles of those living in world's outside of our own. So turn on the news (even the Daily Show can open your eyes to new things) or pick up a newspaper or browse the web.

Yes, there is life outside our little super power and it's time to start learning and start caring.

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