So, a little about me I guess...
The temptation is to start with my job because, well, the tendency is always to define ourselves by the work we do. But I don't really feel like my job is a very good indicator of my self, so let's ignore that for now.
I've been married for four years. My parents are starting to give up on the hope that I'll have children any time in the near future. I find the older I get, the more I enjoy my free time and the harder I find it to imagine myself with little ones running around. Not that I don't like kids, I do...but I like to give them back after a while! :) So, I've decided to get a puppy instead. In about 10 weeks I'll be getting a Miniature Dachshund and she is SO cute! But I hear pet-blogs are "out," so enough about her.

I have a love/hate relationship with my gym. I totally love the yoga classes I take. I feel so much better about myself and at no other time in my day am I able to quiet my mind in such a fashion. However, I have this desire to be one of those incredibly buff women you see and think, "She could totally beat the crap out of me..." and there are SO many women like that at my gym that it makes me feel fat even though I'm skinny! It's sick! I think it has something to do with being made fun of all my life for being skinny. For once I'd like people to look at me and be afraid! Ha! If you know me, that probably makes you laugh becaue I couldn't hurt a fly!
So...those are currently my two obsessions, my soon-to-be puppy and yoga. That and the new season of The O.C. Make fun of me all you's entertaining!
Well, I think that's enough for my first post. Don't want to give away too much information! Might spoil the suspense! Lol...
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