Friday, July 14, 2006

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Fiesta Day 3

Here's the link to Day 3 photos. What a great day! I love seeing the friendships that kids are building with each other! I especially love to see Crew Leaders taking their role seriously and building relationships with the kids in their crew! To see how they love them means the world to me!


Fiesta Day 2

Here's Day 2 photos! We almost have 50 kids registered and that would put us at complete capacity! Woo hoo!

Fiesta Day 1

This week I'm directing VBS at my church. Woa, I'm exhausted! But it's going really well and the kids are having SO much fun! I'll probably post a link to photos for each day so feel free not to read anymore Fiesta titled blogs if you're not interested in looking at them. :-) Don't wanna waste your time with silly stuff! :-) But if you like fun photos, enjoy!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Article Link

I really liked this article by Amy Sullivan.

She high lights some of the things from Sen. Barack Obama's speech that I mentioned in a previous post. One of the things that stood out most for me is her comparison between the Christianity of Obama and the Christianity of Pres. Bush. It made me think about the implications of being a public figure and speaking out about your faith. These men and women who stand up and speak about faith in the public arena are making decisions about what the text of the Bible means for today. They are interpreting and sharing their interpretations with us through their actions, their words and the policies they impose or fight for. They are saying to the world, "this is what it means to live out faith."

Now from what I can tell, not knowing Senator Obama or Pres. Bush personally, I personally prefer the Christianity that Obama demonstrates. But I believe we as Christians need to be careful about who we look up to as examples of faith and we need to be certain that our real hero is Jesus and our real example of what it means to live out faith comes from looking at the life of Jesus and making interpretations of that with our communities of faith, together.

Anyway, it's a good article. You should check it out.